The second online seminar of 2023 will take place on April 6th from 16:00-17:00. The keynote speaker will be Prof. Bruce Spiegelman of Harvard Medical School. He will be joined by Dr. Stijn Meijnikman of Amsterdam UMC.

“PGC1a/Irisin Pathway: Linking Exercise to Cognition and Resistance to Neurodegeneration”
Bruce M. Spiegelman is the Stanley J. Korsmeyer Professor at Harvard Medical School and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Spiegelman received a B.S. with highest honors from the College of William and Mary, his PhD in biochemistry from Princeton University, and completed postdoctoral work at MIT. He then joined Harvard Medical School and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. His research focuses on fat cell biology, diabetes and muscular diseases. Major honors include the Heinrich Wieland Prize in Lipid Research; the Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Metabolic Research; the Rolf Luft award in Endocrionology; the Eliot P. Joslin Medal; the Transatlantic Medal (British Endocrine Society); the Naomi Berrie Award for Outstanding Achievement in Diabetes Research (Columbia University); the Frederick Banting Medal of the American Diabetes Association (their highest award); the Manpei Suzuki Prize for Diabetes Research, Japan, the Inbev Baillet-Latour Health Prize in 2015 and the Helmholtz Prize for Diabetes Research, Munich, Germany. Spiegelman has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and to the National Academy of Medicine. He has served as Chair of the Section on Metabolism and Medical Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences.

“Microbiome derived ethanol and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease”
Stijn Meijnikman is a gastroenterologist and hepatologist in training. His research is focused on the interrelation between the gut microbiome and liver disease with emphasis on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. He receives funding from ZonMw, EFSD and Niels Stensen.