Seminar 1: March 27th

The first online seminar of 2025 will take place on March 27th from 16:00-17:15. Our keynote speaker will be Fredrik Bäckhed who is a Professor at the Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The junior speaker of this session will be Artemiy Kovynev who is a PhD student at the Department of internal medicine, division endocrinology at Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands.

“The gut microbiome in cardiometabolic disease”

Professor Fredrik Bäckhed combines clinical oriented research with gnotobiotic mouse models to address the role of the normal gut microbiota in metabolic diseases. Fredrik Bäckhed holds a PhD in infectious biology from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden in 2002 and performed his postdoctoral training with Jeffrey Gordon at Washington University, St Louis where he identified the gut microbiota as an environmental factor that regulates adiposity and obesity. Dr Bäckhed joined the faculty at University of Gothenburg in 2006 where he is full professor. He has been Professor at University of Copenhagen (2011-2022), guest Professor at University of Oslo (2013-15), and did a sabbatical at University of Hawaii (2019), and at the Danish Technical University (2024-).

Dr. Bäckhed has published >230 papers and have been cited >70,000 times. He is member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences and have received numerous awards and recognitions including the Minkowski Prize, the gold medal from the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences and ERC consolidator and advanced researcher awards. Dr. Bäckhed is currently Director of the Wallenberg Laboratory of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research at University of Gothenburg and of the Microbiome Health Initiative at the Danish Technical University.

“A fast way to cardiometabolic health?  Investigating the effects of fasting-mimicking diet on gut microbiota in patients with type 2 diabetes”

Artemiy Kovynev, is currently finishing his PhD in the group of Prof. Patrick Rensen. He is specializing in the interaction between lifestyle interventions, change in the gut microbiota and cardiometabolic health. He uses the combination of bioinformatics techniques, murine models, and clinical human data to study these interactions.